Monday, November 30, 2009

Fiberglass Door Maintenance

Fiberglass Door

Although fiberglass doors are impervious to extreme weather conditions and to various chemical, waters, and other factors that may wear away your door, they still need to be given maintenance every now and then, to keep the door in fine working and looking order.

So what are the main benefactors of a fiber based door starting to break down over time? Well firstly, fiberglass doors will scratch and chip by accidental hitting or scraping certain objects firmly against the doors surface. These types of doors can also be damaged by the sun constantly baking against it, which will cause the surface of the door to begin to peel back.

It isn't too difficult of a fix, in fact, when you buy a fiberglass door they usually provide you with a fix-it yourself kit to keep your door in proper order, or you can buy a kit at a local hardware store. These are mainly for minor injuries. For major injuries, I would suggest hiring a specialist to make the repairs, but with such a strong durability length, most stores provide customers with 25 year or lifetime warranties when you buy a fiber glass based door.

If you do wish to repaint the door and to make it look more beautiful and new, it is highly important you clean off any particles or dust that may already be on the door. This should be done with a special fiber glass cleaner you can find at any hardware store. In conclusion, always refer to your doors user manual when it comes time to make custom repairs to your fiberglass door, or make sure that you buy a door with a lifetime or 25-year or more warranty for free repairs or replacements
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Renda Pagar

Agar Rumah Panggung Kelihatan Lebih Cantik dan Unik, pada Pagar Di depan atau samping rumah di beri Renda Pagar. Banyak Macam dan Motif dari renda tersebut, seperti di gambar, ada yang bermotif Nanas, motif kotak atau hanya berbentuk bulat saja, semua tergantung keinginan dari pelanggan. Demi "Kepuasan Pelanggan" yang menjadi Motto dan Misi kami, untuk itu kami senantiasa berinovasi dan berkreasi di Rumah Kayu ini.

Considering the Services of a Garden Designer

If you think that you are not the perfect individual to design your own garden and need some assistance then you must consider the services of a professional garden designer. They are a wise option to consider as they have all the information which is required for designing an attractive garden. They know what spots are better for shady and daylight plants, what would be the schematic designs of the garden, which stones and pebbles should be applied and specifically what type of water elements would be added for making a garden look more attractive yet fascinating.

Keeping a garden designer is beneficial in a sense of saving both time and money. It reduces efforts and woes at your part as well. The things you want to look in a garden designer are experience, work abilities and his knowledge towards all sorts of flowers and plants. He or she should pay attention to what your needs and desires are. A garden designer should be a better listener for that cause. He or she should carefully jot down what your hopes and expectations are. After hearing to what you wish, a garden designer should advice what things are positive and what is impossible to carry out.

More of the ideas which could be implemented depend on the location and site where the garden is to be made. It would start with an elaborative measurement of the area so that it could be observed of what planting could be done. The soil should be examined to figure out what shrubs will be suitable for it to sustain and what will not be. A few other things such as the water providing system and the light arrangements should be considered as well.

There could be a need of certain changes in the garden which you want to design. The soil might not work out for some of the plants, the drainage system might not be as efficient, and there might be some issues with the length and the height of the plants also. These problems can happen once or twice a year. Make a note of all these things and make sure the garden designer you hire knows all these points as well.

A garden designer should help you with all the information of plants and flowers. This is the field he or she should be an expert because it is going to save you plenty of time and hardship. Your garden designer should tell you what flowers, pebbles or water themes would work out best with the location and lighting scheme.

You also need to make sure that the person you hire for the garden work has enough idea about places where gardening elements and tools are available at cheap or reasonable rates as it would save you cost sharing in buying any expensive material.

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Simple Tips For Designing a Rock Garden

Rock gardens are characterized by ultimate beauty and sense of pleasure and sophistication. They are the most amazing thing to observe. We have plenty of things which we overlook in nature made out of stones and rocks. It would be creative enough to have a combination of both of them in your own backyard garden. You need to consider a mindset for the design and the elements through which you could carry out your rock garden. It needs to be taken care that you read plenty of books or visit particular websites in order to understand the whole phenomenon for rock gardening.

You need to make sure whatever plan you come up with is valid and sure. Once you start working on it, evenness and distribution wouldn't matter either. It is going to give your garden a fake look. Go for some textures and shapes instead of keeping it plain, and remember, redesigning a rock garden is not an easy task. It takes a lot of effort and time consumption to put the structures of the stone together. It is also followed that the gardeners who keep a rock garden, hardly make any changes to it that is because the design should be kept the same for as many years as possible.

You can design your rock garden by following simple steps. First, determine the location and the site where you want it to be placed. Try a natural slope and direction where it should be exposed to the maximum light intensity. Secondly, decide what plants and shrubs you want to include in it. Think convenient. Plant those flowers and herbs which you know are available all time of the year and which would bloom and flourish giving your garden a refreshing look.

Go for the rock theme you want to put in your garden next. Decide separate places for various kinds of planting. If you love plants which need loads of sunlight, for instance, you would need to choose the spot where the sun shines the most or if you like shady grasses or flowers you would have to leave the lightless spots for them. It would be a good choice if you leave spot for both kinds of plants and flowers because it will be a great deal of work if you realize you want to experiment with shade loving plants after all the years you have been having the ones which require more sunlight.

You should also keep in mind about what paths and ways you want in your rock garden. They should be made at the very first spot instead of keeping them the last thing to be done after you have decided all the elements of the garden. You can also select small river rocks and pebbles to add up to the garden bed.

You can make your rock garden as much happening as you want. Add water components, woodwork, or any elegant furniture if you like. This would provide you with a handsome space for a better look for your house
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Unbelievable: Jackie VonTobel

I can't contain my excitement: Jackie VonTobel (of Jackie VonTobel Home ) just launched her new fabric line & online store today!!!!! You HAVE to check it out -oh my gosh her things are SO BEAUTIFUL!!

Her designs are too pretty for words... But I'll try of course! ;)

Everything is so fresh & energetic& happy!!!:
Lots of them are whimsical takes on the classics: enlarged florals & toile-like patterns (The design below is just perfection... It reminds me of a modern version of one of my Grandma's plates... Oh how I need it!)...

...chinoiserie in unexpected colors...

beautiful peacocks, huge paisleys with an enormous amount of white space ...

...Cheerful graphic patterns that are still curvy enough to be super-pretty. (Sometimes graphic patterns can be a bit too much for me & feel a bit trendy but not these!)

I could seriously find a spot for every one of her fabrics & pillows in my house. (I would love a closet full of her pillows to switch in & out seasonally. Just one of these would make a room!) You can choose to go with organic cotton or eco-friendly linen, depending upon the look & feel you're after.

She uses so many different color palettes & here are images of just a few:

.... had to share the greens & grays of course!!! But this blue too (below) - oh my goodness!!!
Anyway, you've got to check it out!! I am in love and cannot wait to use some of these for projects!!!
all images from

Full of thanks

This post was supposed to be written last week, in preparation for Thanksgiving, but life throws you curve balls that interfere with plans. And that was precisely the point I was going to make. It's how we deal with those curve balls that matter.

I'm one of those -- an optimist, through and through. :) I can't help it. I think it stems from my teen years, which I've mentioned a bit on this blog. I had enough sad days then, and since then I just can't stand to be sad or depressed. It makes me physically uncomfortable, I hate it so much.

That's not to say I don't deal with the bad things in life -- I do. I realized a long time ago, when things are at the lowest, doing something, anything helps -- it gives you power and control back. So when things go bad, my control is to look at the good.

I was going to write about some trivial things in this post last week. Things like when the sitter cancels on your night out with friends or the hubby, and seeing that as a good turn of events -- looking at it as a chance to spend unexpected time with your children. And how many, many people in this world would do anything to have children to spend time with.

Or when the car breaks down and you can't get where you wanted to go -- I rationalize things like that by thinking it was probably best I didn't go. Would you call that fate? I just feel when something like that happens, I wasn't supposed to be in that car, at that time, on that road. I think there's a higher power at work and we often forget that, especially at the annoying times.

I was also going to talk about the more serious circumstances, like when I fell down half a flight of cement stairs a couple weeks ago -- holding my son. It was probably the scariest moment of my life. He hit his head, and I could barely walk afterwards. Within seconds he seemed fine, and after a trip to the ER, we found out he was indeed OK and my ankle (that was triple it's normal size) was only badly sprained.

I felt sorry for myself for about two seconds, and then I was overcome with thankfulness that it was just me that was hurt -- and it was just an ankle. How incredibly fortunate that my son was not hurt worse. The what ifs ran through my head and they were not good. So as I've hobbled around for the past two weeks, I've been reminding myself how thankful I am that that's all it was. I can handle with a sprained ankle any day of the week.

This is the way I deal, and it works for me. But my optimism was tested last week. We got news that my father-in-law was diagnosed with stage three pancreatic cancer. I simply cannot put into words how I feel. I won't even try. For the first few hours after we found out, I could barely breath. It was like someone was sitting on my chest. Then, there were the tears, and tears. And tears. My heart is breaking for my husband. It's breaking for my stepdaughter, my sister-in-law, my nephews, for me. For my son.

And now, this bad, horrible news, has yet again taught me to see the good. It was confirmed today that his doctors think he has at least six months with us -- maybe even a year. My heart is heavy. I want to cry again and again. But I also can't help to think how fortunate are we to be able to spend this time with him over the next year. To do special things, take pictures, to create new memories.

For our son to get to know his Grandpa even better.

Every year my father-in-law cooks an authentic Mexican fiesta meal for us and our friends, usually in the fall. He obviously hasn't been feeling great, so we skipped it this year. But now, we're going to have the fiesta the week before Christmas. We will gather around him to cook our Mexican feast with him, and it will be something I'm sure none of us will ever forget. (And yes, it is as good as it sounds!)

I just can't focus on the bad. It's against my nature. I have to look to the good, and there will be much good that will come over the next year. I am sure of that.

If I can, I am asking a favor of all of you. I would really appreciate your prayers. For my father-in-law, that he feels as good as possible for as long as possible. And for my husband and his sister, that they feel comfort and peace right now. I really, really appreciate it. I am so thankful for all of you.

** I am reposting this in Live Writer since Blogger wasn’t picking it up for some reason. I apologize for the two posts!

Proyek Bengkulu

Proses Pengerjaan Rumah Kayu Type 120 (10m x 12m) Diawali Lebih Kurang 2 Minggu yang lalu. Merupakan Pesanan Dari Wakil Bupati Kepahyang Bengkulu, Untuk Rumah Tinggal di Kota Kepahyang dan diharapkan selesai Januari 2010.

Full of thanks

This post was supposed to be written last week, in preparation for Thanksgiving, but life throws you curve balls that interfere with plans. And that was precisely the point I was going to make. It's how we deal with those curve balls that matter.

I'm one of those -- an optimist, through and through. :) I can't help it. I think it stems from my teen years, which I've mentioned a bit on this blog. I had enough sad days then, and since then I just can't stand to be sad or depressed. It makes me physically uncomfortable, I hate it so much.

That's not to say I don't deal with the bad things in life -- I do. I realized a long time ago, when things are at the lowest, doing something, anything helps -- it gives you power and control back. So when things go bad, my control is to look at the good.

I was going to write about some trivial things in this post last week. Things like when the sitter cancels on your night out with friends or the hubby, and seeing that as a good turn of events -- looking at it as a chance to spend unexpected time with your children. And how many, many people in this world would do anything to have children to spend time with.

Or when the car breaks down and you can't get where you wanted to go -- I rationalize things like that by thinking it was probably best I didn't go. Would you call that fate? I just feel when something like that happens, I wasn't supposed to be in that car, at that time, on that road. I think there's a higher power at work and we often forget that, especially at the annoying times.

I was also going to talk about the more serious circumstances, like when I fell down half a flight of cement stairs a couple weeks ago -- holding my son. It was probably the scariest moment of my life. He hit his head, and I could barely walk afterwards. Within seconds he seemed fine, and after a trip to the ER, we found out he was indeed OK and my ankle (that was triple it's normal size) was only badly sprained.

I felt sorry for myself for about two seconds, and then I was overcome with thankfulness that it was just me that was hurt -- and it was just an ankle. How incredibly fortunate that my son was not hurt worse. The what ifs ran through my head and they were not good. So as I've hobbled around for the past two weeks, I've been reminding myself how thankful I am that that's all it was. I can handle with a sprained ankle any day of the week.

This is the way I deal, and it works for me. But my optimism was tested last week. We got news that my father-in-law was diagnosed with stage three pancreatic cancer. I simply cannot put this into words how I feel. I won't even try. For the first few hours after we found out, I could barely breath. It was like someone was sitting on my chest. Then, there were the tears, and tears. And tears. My heart is breaking for my husband. It's breaking for my stepdaughter, my sister-in-law, my nephews, for me. For my son.

And now, this bad, horrible news, has yet again taught me to see the good. It was confirmed today that his doctors think he has at least six months with us -- maybe even a year. My heart is heavy. I want to cry again and again. But I also can't help to think how fortunate are we to be able to spend this time with him over the next year. To do special things, take pictures, to create new memories.

For our son to get to know his Grandpa even better.

Every year my father-in-law cooks an authentic Mexican fiesta meal for us and our friends, usually in the fall. He obviously hasn't been feeling great, so we skipped it this year. But now, we're going to have the fiesta the week before Christmas. We will gather around him to cook our Mexican feast with him, and it will be something I'm sure none of us will ever forget. (And yes, it is as good as it sounds!)

I just can't focus on the bad. It's against my nature. I have to look to the good, and there will be much good that will come over the next year. I am sure of that.

If I can, I am asking a favor of all of you. I would really appreciate your prayers. For my father-in-law, that he feels as good as possible for as long as possible. And for my husband and his sister, that they feel comfort and peace right now. I really, really appreciate it. I am so thankful for all of you.



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Trend Home Decoration Inspiration Collections With colorful Design

Home Decoration, Home Interior Design, Home Decoration Inspiration

Beautiful home decoration inspiration collections with colorful paint design, amazing floor, furniture decoration. This decoration can be applied in your bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen, dining room, family room and other place in your home.
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