Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Birday Ke-che!

My little guy Christian, AKA "Ke-che" (how he pronounces it) is turning 2!! We're having a little family 4th of July party for his birthday and he is so excited. He is constantly talking about "baby's bir-day party," reciting the guest list and more importantly (hee hee) the menu: "Ice cream, beans (he loves beans) cheeseburgers, cake, pizza..." The funny part is he added in the pizza himself. We hadn't been planning on serving pizza but he brings it up every time so now I feel like maybe I should do one of those little personal ones for him. (Let's be honest, if there's time.)
Although it's a birthday party, since we're having it on the 4th, I figured we'd go red, white & blue with the decorations. Here's a little preview:

I thought you might enjoy seeing these adorable little plaster of paris flag holders my grandmother made for the table centerpieces. They're so easy to make & can be reused year after year. (Just put plaster of Paris inside disposable cups and make little holes up top for the flags to slip into once dry. When it's all dried, tear off the cup & add the flags!)

I hope everyone has a happy 4th of July!!!



ps- if you haven't already, check out the rug giveaway. Winner will be chosen Sunday night!

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